Did anyone ever notice that the words to 'I'm a little teapot' are vaguely raunchy? When I get all steamed up indeed.
Got home 'early' (before 9) tonight to study. Instead I made toasted cheese and tomato sandwiches and a big pot of tea and listened to the White Stripes.
I want to have love puppies with Jack White.
I am so a teenager again. Look, here's the evidence:
1. I am living with a family
2. I go to my room to email my friends or write stupid things in my blog
3. I have a blog for godssake
4. I have totally delusional crushes on people like JW and think 'oh no, if we met we'd get along really really well' and we could live minimilist monochrome life with repetitive chord soundtrack
5. I wear outfits that I have to explain to the rest of my household (um, it's like, ironic, I think, and anyway everyone else in Sydney's wearing them...)
6. I get all excited and put on loud music when no-one else is home
7. I get the giggles at 'work' (school) when I read stupid things in reports and then have to explain it to the rest of the 'office' (class), because I've just disturbed everyone and they're looking at me
8. I am procrastinating about doing my homework
And of course I should be studying now. Right now this very instant. I'm only fooling myself. I'll be sorry later when I have to repeat year 1 (of my Masters) and all the other kids are a year younger than me and I'm the tallest in my class. Now. One, two, three.. now!
That's it, I'm turning off the music.