Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Beverage advice for today...
Don't try ginseng coffee. Seriously bad. Bad, bad, bad. Like icky icky bad at the back of the tongue taste bad. I cannot stress this enough. The woman in neighboring office made me one just before lunch and I almost died trying to down my first tentative sip. It sits there now, hours later, cold and unfinished on my desk. (Even worse than 'coffee-tea' that I mentioned in an earlier ramble). And on that topic - any one heard of 'fox coffee'? A type of flying fox apparently eats the ripest and nicest cofee beans and then poops them out. The hand foraged pooped out beans apparently make the best coffee in the world. Sells for some ridiculous hundred of US dollars per kg. I am yet to taste but will keep you posted.


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