Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Friday, June 11, 2004

"School of life darl" she drawls, hairy lip picking up the rays of morning sun. "No Swiss finishing school for me, no preppy polo short, twin suit, pearl necklace and country club - no siree."

"These..." (tapping at head)"These, these've been fed on the schooool of life." She laughs, revealing golden fangs. "And I know culture, don't you worry. I read books, can tell you stories, but the really important stuff doesn't come from out of the curriculum from any ladies college."

"And I'm not scared to get my hands dirty. Which is more than you can say for these little princesses up in their Swiss chalets. And don't mistake good manners for caring, it's not the same. You wouldn't be the first person to make that mistake." She picks at her nails and looks up at me from intense little eyes over the rim of fashionable glasses too small for her face.


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