Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

howdy doody

Well howdy from the girl whose blog is a little dustry and cobwebby around the ears.

No excuse really, but trying to study this Semester while working and finishing oodles of extra curricular work related publications has taken the sparkle out of my typing fingers. Sad really.

So studying. What's that like? Well, I think Drew at Toothpaste for Dinner has summed it up nicely here except that while he was probably taking the piss, I'm thinking 'yah, bring it on'. Studying is well, very studious, involves lots of reading and writing. Very little sculpting of concepts in 3-D modelling clay. Very little diarama making or poster decorating or making macaroni necklaces in the style of ancient Egyptian Phaoroes. Very little spontaneous, or creative expression of any kind. And mores the shame really.

Which is probably why I've come to the decision to STOP DOING THAT KIND OF THING very shortly. To that end I am browsing a wide range of courses that I day dream will be more hands on and fun - faciltation/ therapyish/fine arts / design style courses for the most part. Mostly shortish (ie not full degrees), vocational, applied. And once I've finished this Masters I plan to do soemthing along those lines instead. Which, I know will mean more study, but hopefully studying something just for interests sake, not as a carefully chosen career building and save the world strategy will be more fun. All my dreams of 5 years or 10 years into teh future don't ivolve sitting at a desk all day writing reports, so I figure I better change something to get me moving towards the kind of stuff I think I might like to do.

But new ideas are tentative and a bit fragile in the wind, so be gentle with your comments, supportive or otherwise!

Apart from studying I am probably also a little less bloggy these days because I'm in a relationship with someone who I talk to pretty frequently, so lots of my gripes and observations get scattered out into the telephone ether rather than marching across the page here. Also, in a new relationship I feel like I don't want to jinx it or cheapen it by talking out it's details here, and yet to blog about my life and not mention it feels strange.

I have been doing a wine course lately and have found a few of the experiences there kind of funny, was thinking about sharing those with you, so stay tuned... I'll post about that next.


Blogger BSharp said...

Rock and roll. I for one, am looking forwards to tales from the 'university of life' (or the uni of sculpting and dioramas... ).

- ps I hear blogs are coming back in fashion, too... : )

10:20 am  
Anonymous Stu said...

When I got to the end of what seemed like endless years of study I felt like I still had to do something, so I went off to learn French. I didn't exactly become fluent but still sometimes try to converse in French when drunk.
And good to hear that there's a positive reason for the lack of activity here. I've always admired the way you are brave enough to post such personal things on your blog (whereas by contrast I recommend gigs to go to, bravely revealing to the world which bands I like) but I also admire that you have the good sense to hold back when necessary!

8:30 pm  

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