Job lot
In response to Merry Risa’s kind comment I must confess, the job I am applying for is not exactly my own. By which I mean, I have a permanent position and get to keep it regardless of the outcome of this application process. What I am actually applying for is an ‘acting up’ position. Which I think sounds hilarious, as if what you are doing is seeking permission to muck around, clown around and misbehave (now that’s a position I would really like and be happy to put in the hours to write the application – not least because I think I have extensive demonstrated experience and skills in that area). But no, it’s really an ‘I think I’m doing more than my position description says, and have been for a while, so can you please acknowledge that and pay me more and change my title and let me have a say in strategic decisions for the organisation’. Etc. So, not quite as dire as actually having to go for your job, compete with others, and have the chance of no longer having a job. Just risking the embarrassment of people saying ‘erm, actually, no. We don’t think you are all that. So be quiet please and keep doing your job’. Application still torturous, interview with colleagues still ick, but risks I suppose are not as bad.
Oh, and have handed it in now. Interview still to go.
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