Had a sunny little start to the day with loungeroom yoga today - saluting the sun and waking up in a good mood. At breakfast I tried to order a tea with no sugar and got a glass of water instead! Not sure if that is a coment on my language skills or my ridiculous sugar-free request. Sunday I tried to order tea with lemon and instead got an ashtray. My bad Malay has become a source of delight around the office. Squeals of laughter as I babble half remembered phrases or repeat things absolutely badly. ber ber not bo bo! cuson manis not masung menis! Yesterday we were all in tears. I think I'm just about as bad as the Englishman in Mexico - "no Tom, they're pesos, not paceys... that's a character from Dawson's Creek not a unit of currency..."
Sea Green

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- I feel so Malaysian. Came to work early, dressed a...
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- "Miss, miss, chip, chip" ...went the cry as I walk...
- The jungle is hot and heavy and the sun is turning...
- This morning my wakeup: Door creeps open with litt...
- Beverage advice for today... Don't try ginseng cof...
- Malaysia is a United Nations of breakfast foods B...
- Greetings friends and countrymice... Got back fro...
- Prawns http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/reports/biod...
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