Hello from the tropics, from the Island
Yes I have arrived in Brisbane. Sorry for lack of proper emails and chats over last few weeks, the wind down in the mountains before I came here was quite frantic. Plus wasn't 100% sure that I could come or when due to work shennaginas (outlined below). As in me running to put the bins out (sudden brain flash = smelly 2 wk old bin not nice to come home to) as the cab pulled up and the taxi driver laughing (good naturedly, or so I like to think) at my frazzly Hi-NRG chit chat as I worried about mising the very last train down that I could possibly catch and still arrive at the house I was staying at by midnight ie. and still get enough sleep for the job interview the next day. It was one of those 'have I got the persents?? Have a I got examples of my work? Have I got my bathers? have I got my suit pants??'. But got here, had a lovely snoozy ride in the plane, and unwound delightfully on the other legs of the journey, including the short but stunning ride across the Bay on the ferry.
So fast forward a few days: I am quickly checking emails for any work bites, in the lull that happens when mum is putting the baby to bed. This is after food and bath and play time, which gets quite busy. It's heating up here again after a thunderous storm on Frioday night which rained so hard and so prolifically that mum and I were laughing and running down the jetty with plastered clothes in the dark with lightening and baby swadled in a towel to keep dry. Boys out at wet and wild today so no isues re television and remote control control, sneaking out to unsupervised parties and trying alcohol (and the parental fallout re trust etc on that matter), around food whims or around brothers belting each other around heads with cricket bats. Sigh, can't you just hear the peaceful quiet with only cicadas and my typing as background nouise?
Off to have a criosy afternoon and wait for sun to drop enough for another swim. Glad I got excited and cut my hair before I came - short locks much better for beach fun.
Chat soon Mermaid grrl and little mister, would love to catch up while here.
Happy summer all.