Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Dear resident of apartment number 761

(a few notes i haven't got in my letterbox but keep expecting)

If you feel compelled to listen to 'get behind me satan' by the Whitestripes loudly on Sunday nights could you please at least restrain your listening impulses to one full whirl of the albulm and not three. I think any reasonable person would agree that this is excessive. An unreasonableone may feel compelled to retaliate with loud Kenny Rogers early on a Monday morning, but lucky for you, I am not an unreasonable person.


Dear miss. I note that you left your window open the other afternoon and allowed a pigeon to fly into your kitchen. I note also that said pigeon seems to have knocked off a petite pink teacup from your window ledge onto the courtyard below. I note also that you have not yet seen fit to collect pieces of cup and dispose of them. May I suggest in futurethat you find a better location for storing your tea cups and or refrain from inviting stray birds into your kitchen. I like our winged friends as much as the next person but there are limits. Yours etc. Kevin (number 64 - we met on the stairs, you lent me your grater).


Blogger meririsa said...

Surely neighbourly acts such as lending graters grant you some lee-way when it comes to loud, multiple White Stripes playing...?! I would willingly overlook my neighbours late night noise and smoke of various kinds wafting into my window at night if only I knew a) I could approach them without them being suspicious and guarded, and b) I could borrow their drill or other occasionally needed apparatus... Honestly, people in my building are suprised if you hold the lift a few extra seconds for them!

9:36 am  

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