Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Just to let you know, that I think, fingers crossed, all going well, if the wind is blowing right etc...that I am done for uni for the year. yihah! That means dear friends that I can kick up my heels and play (after I catch up on sleep from tonight and then some of the more critical - as in potentially related to public health - household chores). Phew, procrastinating really takes it out of you.

Oh, and, today was life drawing again. I did some absolute doozies (bad) and one or two good. I think the essay was weighing on my mind and making me grumpy. Grumpy is not the mood you want to be in when drawing. Your people come out lumpy and mean looking. One in particular I love beyond measure - it was a pen and ink bizzo, meant to be all spontaneous, free line and wishy washy suggestion of colour. Which it is, but the free lines suggest that the model was a hunchback and about three times as wide as she actually is, and the washy colour suggests that her skin is made out of asphalt or glue. I brought it home and everytime I look at it I laugh my ass off, actually snort with joy, it's such a good reminder of how cranky I was feeling, and also my favourite benchmark for all future efforts (as in 'is it better than the hunchback? yes! great'). Beats the hobbit feet hands down...


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