Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

People do cool stuff and inspire me...

Very pleased for a London friend who recently got through the challenging and surprisingly explicit interview process to get on the list of new volunteer recruits for a GLT phone help line. Works full time in a brainiac job and now will spend some of his free time helping other people get information and support for life issues. Nice work buddy.

A woman at work puts $3 a week in a jar and then donates it to a local group to help pay a teacher's salary in East Timor. I have copied the idea and set up my own piggy bank in the kitchen to put change in from when I get back from doing my shopping, for the same purpose (actually mine is my biodiversity fund hopefully for tiger and orang utan habitat projects).

A friend up here has made friends with her neighbor across the road who is in her 80's, and goes over regularly to watch Bold and the Beautiful and have cups of tea - to check in on her but also to eat the occasional chocolate ecclair and tell stories and have a laugh.

Stan who lives upstairs from me vacuums alll the hallways of our apartment building and even swings the washing line around so that my clothes would be in sun rather than shade! How's that for service?? :)


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