Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Weeell, it's another exquisite blue sky day up here. Found it hard to get to work on time as there was coffee and good conversation to be had at home. Oh well, cheered myself up by wearing my red hat for the first time since making it (only took me 3 weeks!!) and had a few smiles and a woman at work tell me "Only someone like you could get away with wearing that.." Which I laughed at and teased her to explain just exactly what 'someone like me' was. Some very good news is that I've had a resurgence in interest in my project (my own interest that is) and could quite easily play with it for the next few months. It could become a thesis really,or a text book. PIty that's not what I'm, meant to be writing and I'm meant to be finished this week!!
Clearlt that isn't going to happen as I'm taking tomorrow off to go play in caves and hopefully do a walk or two. Keen to drink coffee and gallery hop this arvo, may take an early minute. Looking forward to some birthday cake cooking tonight and possibly some felt making.


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