Ok ok ok - I promise that in the next week or 2 I will put links back on this site (not that anyone particularly cares, I'm sure). I miss being able to flick to you all with ease. Help out this bear of very little brain by emailing me your web /blog addresses again?? This is even if I've asked you a million times before. And even if you are a 'please don't put a link to me' person. Because I wont, but at least I can save the details, find and read your lovely words. Somehow web addresses keep slipping through my fingers, like the other black sock, the groovy jacket, my bank statements, the book I could have swore I once had.. are all these items are either lost in a box in a shed, in the letterbox of a house I no longer live at, in some corner of the suitcase I haven't looked in yet or randomly deleted from my email in box thanks to the strange combo of hotmail accessed at a video shoppe. Forgive me for my life is a little fragmented at the minute. But not in a chaotic, no pattern kind of way, more in a crazy interrelated synergistic web. A web with a few little holes in it where the black socks fall through.
Sea Green

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Let it out baby
Eco-textiles, hand-made & things to wear
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At that hypothetical dinner party
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Previous Posts
- If my life in the highlands was a book...c'mon kid...
- "Suburbia: where they tear out the trees and then ...
- Oops I forgot to eat fruit.And other such revelati...
- Still. Very. Cold. And not even winter yet can you...
- Cornjulio! It's cold here!Remember that scene from...
- napolean lipgloss on to help me slide up to my dea...
- Oh dear. Do you all remember that feeling after yo...
- I am sitting here at my local video store nibbling...
- rainy day in the mountains. Left work early becaus...
- my date with dataNo not the uptight one from Start...
Visit We Make Zines
Dear Miss J,
We still have 4 of your books (3 you lent when you first left Sydney and the Peter Carey Book) plus your CD's are happily tucked in a corner by the TV.
Blog etc will be emailed to you now-ish.
Dear Miss J
We have your chaise lounge,
meet us in Rymill park. We want $100,000 for it's return. No cops or the lounge gets it.
Oh and i think i have some of your books too!
Wish I'd thought of ransoming her CD's... but then, I don't think ransoming of Miss J's possessions is really going to work at present...
Dear Miss J,
If you click on your commentor's name, you will find a link to their erstwhile web missives.
Also I have your tv and some books and a hideous ceramic boat money box. I will accept money to _not_ bring you the latter item.
Also if you change the setting in your template it will let you type title for each post for neater filing. Mm Filing.
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