Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Oops I forgot to eat fruit.
And other such revelations tonight. Here's one for you: slippers that let your toes out will let your toes get cold. This is an example of experiential learning, I have my toes sticking out now as we speak. Happy full moon for yesterday (actually early this morning). Did anyone howl? Dog I was living with and will be living with again actually howls. Not at the moon but at sirens or other dogs howling. Was really strange the first time I saw it - ooh oooh ooh - with her little snout up in the air and her mouth in an óh'. Just like a cartoon.


Blogger meririsa said...

I grew up with at least 2 alsations living next door at any given time. Every Friday morning when the CFS tested the sirens, these dogs howled like there was no tomorrow. No similar observations with the full moon and the dogs, but after nearly 30 years of working in nursing homes, my mum swears that the oldies are more restless on full moons - slower to settle down and sleep, and more confused night wanderings amongst the senile...

8:58 am  
Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

I bought ugg boots on sale at Target for 50% off and have never looked back. They even lace up on the sides and have embroidered flowers - tasteful! They have been re-named "Pammy Boots" in honour of the woman that brought them to the beautiful shores of Baywatch. The only problem is they're a little bit like really good drugs - once you try them it's hard to keep their use in check. You start to think ridiculous things like "I'm sure it's OK to wear them to the supermarket just once" and "My skirt is seriously long - I don't think anyone can see them if I wear them to the bank". See how it becomes a slippery slope of Pammy use? Before you know it you're teaming them up with those track pants that open along the sides and a flanny shirt cause you're being "ironic" and "bogan retro". Yeah right.

9:04 am  
Blogger J said...

Oh thank the goddess, I thought it was just me. I wore tartan pj pants to the shops the other day in a crazy moment of devil-may-care fashion lightheartedness. Also justified in the guise of 'well, they may just look like really bad early 90's happy pants or like I'm from scotland'. (As I suspected no-one even looked twice at me - this is the mountains afterall...) If only I'd had a nice ugg to team them up with ;)

5:56 pm  

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