Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

my date with data
No not the uptight one from Startrek, the actual real deal. Tonight - me, my desk, crap, randomly selected data sets to trawl through and make some strange meaning out of. Yes we have bar charts, but what is the actual point, what is actually happening?? So - wanting to be solutions focused (natch), I have come up with a few new sets of trend data for my report: the number of times I've had to go get tea (on average, per hour) just so I wont scream with frustration at the sheer annoying pointlessness of the plodding lumpish text that I have to play with, the number of times I've longingly thought about the moment it will be finished (as a function of the total number of thoughts I've had, with natural seasonal/ temporal variation factored in), the volume of stern words I will hurl at any staff member I can corner about the intracacies of my frustrations with the process and context of my reporting project (ml/second). And so on.

On a high note - I am currently wearing my black thermal long johns under my sensible workpants. You may know these particular long johns from such outfits as last nights pj ensemble. Mmm cosy and vaguely subversive feeling.


Blogger BSharp said...

I love that you can be subversive with thermals. He he he. Good to see you back.

Hey mermaidgrrl! Miss sapphic diva. Lovely to see you round the innernet.. and I shall have to get back to booklub. See you lasses soon.

ps. I stayed at the office till 7 tonight too. Stoopid approvals.

9:12 pm  

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