Still. Very. Cold. And not even winter yet can you believe it?? Thursday night last week, I felt like the princess and the pea but upside down - 3 quilts and a very robust blanket. Bloody hell, how did I not get suffocated by bed linen in the night?? Eurovision last night, did anyone indulge? Some very random outfits and equally random songs - goes without saying. Good though, even if the voting takes longer than the last federal election. Fashion trends according to EV05: HOT Long long curly hair, lip gloss that your hair can get stuck in (I already have that!!), the leather pant, the kettle drum, the gold sequin toga dress, NOT: heidi plaits, jeans, the ugg boot, the thermal underwear. Huh! What would they know.
Sea Green

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- Cornjulio! It's cold here!Remember that scene from...
- napolean lipgloss on to help me slide up to my dea...
- Oh dear. Do you all remember that feeling after yo...
- I am sitting here at my local video store nibbling...
- rainy day in the mountains. Left work early becaus...
- my date with dataNo not the uptight one from Start...
- ooh hello, gee it's been a while. Can I remember w...
- rejoice thee the glorious sun-filled afternoon and...
- Goodbye Malaysia sat on my suitcase and then gave...
- But then again Maybe all is well with the world a...
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