Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

one more

ooh ooh I have another one. Buddy in home town who is now Treasurer for the Greens there and volunteering one day a week in their office too. That on top of leturing / tutoring in maths and writing up his own stuff. How come none of my maths lecturers in uni were ever that cool? (Oh that's right I never did maths at uni, maybe they were all really cool and I just never knew)
Yes, you are the winner of today's 'people inspire me' award.

Runner up would have to be guy in my offce who goes home every single day (when humanly posible) to spend lunch with partner and few month old bub.


Blogger BSharp said...

He heh,
I´d say laughter is a good sign, you´re so brave with things like that, and people probably feel a bit lighter and have a chuckle oto hear similar issues spoken.
Hey your most recent post has attracted a few spam comments, I think some people have machines that autogenerate these, perhaps a good idea to delete them before you get a flood....

8:23 am  

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