Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

let me draw your hairy hobbit feet

Went to life drawing last week and struggled with those first few moments of self-consciousness where your arm is like lead and your pencil a lump of rock and you make awkward lumpy marks on the page like your hand and eyes are on a first date and all is not going well. After time you stop feeling so rude for staring at a strange woman's breasts and hairy bits and start to see patterns and shapes that make sense to your hand, start to try and interpret them using different techniques (shading dark! scribbly shading! no shading at all just soft shapes!). Once or twice out of a whole sheath of drawings you will catch something and think 'shit, where did that come from? I didn't know I could do that!'. And of course you didn't do that, per say, you just allowed it to happen when you stopped hanging on so tightly and judging yourself so harshly and instead got out of the way and let it come through. The regrettable pictures that look like hairy hobbit feet drawn by someone who's never seen a foot before and the one where the model looks 15years older and has a witch face, well they are just part of the wonderful crazy mix!


Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

Dear Jadey bear,

I used to have a problem with advertising comments such as these and then I turned on the WORD VERIFICATION and I'm glad I did. It has totally stopped people commenting on their penis enlargement sites, which is fortunate because I may have accidentlkly gone to one, used to techniques I found there and ended up hung like a horse.

Kisses from the land of biodynamic yoghurt!

xxx Anastasia

11:46 am  

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