Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

La Luna

Oh the moon is coming up to be very full, very soon. And, as has been the case for a while now, I tend to ovulate on the full moon, bleed* on the dark moon. So, full moon for me is: rearranging my house with energy that could move mountains, the sudden need to change all of my linen and fill the house with the scent of rose-geranium. Eating capers and getting an almost sexual feeling from that metallic vinegar tang. Oh and print making for hours like only a moment has passed.
On the topic, here is a website for an alternative to disposable 'feminine hygeine products'** . Funny how something so simple can seem so absolutely and fundamentally radical, don't you think? And yet, I suspect that really, none of us is that phobic really of our own blood, we just pretend to be because it's the thing to do in this funny, sterile, mechano-phile society of ours. Everything needs to be very very hygeinic and sterile and disposable otherwise we will all die instantly of germs, and worse, even worse, reveal ourselves to be animals, living breathing shitting, farting, crying, bleeding, howling, growling animals - part of everything, dependant on the well being of others, and yet gloriously self-sufficient. Almost the opposite of what we all like to pretend we are now - absolutely seperate from everyone and everything else, and yet completely dependant on the external to feed us, house us, make us happy.
The moon pulling on my water and affecting my tides...

Oh I know I should be having an early night but by jingo, I am such a nerd I just web searched all of the above and now just have to share these very groovy websites with you as am very excited by what other switched on chicks have been up to while I have been reaching like a zombie for the disposables from the supermarket shelves in a fog of cramps, fluoro lighting and bad eighties music which i am inexplicably drawn to sing along to but only when I am shopping in the stupor-market. How on earth have I ever survived without a funky leopard skin print reusable pad with a funky silk-screened 'Rag Flag'??

Urban Armor - "kickass alternative menstrual hardware"
Blood sisters - pattern for sewing reuasable pads
Wikipedia - gives a nice overview of the issues (bless that Wikipedia, is there anything it doesn't know?)

*Euww - did she just write 'bleed'?? yes, she did. If you can think of a better, yet accurate term let me know. I just can't relate to 'get my period' as a descriptor. I don't even really know what it means - sounds like something vaguely to do with grammar from an Americal school. And do I 'get it' like a disease that I picked up from a sneeze on a bus? 'Menstruate' is really not a favourite either - it sounds like there are just too many consonants in there and not enough syllables, sounds kind of euphemistic and icky, like a diabolical villain would say as part of a threat. hardly appropriate for this monthly invitation to reflect on our own mortality, on our connection to the cycles of life, on the amazing processes which happen beyond the realm of our consious minds.
** but this does not mean soap, deoderant or handwash, even if it sounds a little bit like that


Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

This has been my second menstruation using sea sponges and dang how I love those little critters! The only draw back is there's only one toilet at work that I can use cause the hand basin is right next to the loo in it's own little room for rinsing purposes. At home I just use the tap over the bath. It's a bit fiddly getting it in and out if you're not comfortable with fishing around in your private parts (I have no problems with that - I used to use a diaphragm which was infinitely harder) but it feels a lot softer on your body with no dry chafey kind of sensation and there's no pesky string. Thumbs up for the sponge!

PS I got mine from Price Attack - they're all the same. It's about the size of a bantams egg.

9:57 am  
Blogger meririsa said...

Oh - I just use Pregnancy (TM) - reliable "protection" for 9 months plus, just a lot of other stuff to contend with including passing a large mass at the end. Ha ha ha.

The reusable pads look really comfortable, and sound much better than the cloth rags my Mum used to use as a young lady. They're worth buying just on the basis of their advertising slant! No stupid blue liquid to demonstrate, no mention of "protection" etc etc.

6:23 pm  
Blogger Girl Genius said...

The powerhouse museum has a cool virtual exhibition here:

And now that I know you can get sponges from Price attack, there's no stopping me!

Also, does anyone know why Libra have started printing trivia on the peel-off strips of their pads? What the hell?

7:38 pm  
Blogger BSharp said...

What a bunch of feral hippies chiclets. But I miss youse all!

Libra pads.. no idea, but I made a few postulations a while ago...

8:44 am  
Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

Have you noticed how incredibly repetitive those trivia things are too? I swear, they put the numbers on the "trivia" as a sham, because they only seem to have about five pieces of information to impart, no matter how much you bleed.

And BSharp.... I prefer the term "feral hippy wimmin" thankyou ;-)

7:04 pm  
Blogger BSharp said...

Oh sorry, that was a reference to one of the cuts of beef that is part of the staple argentine meat-fest... like ....bife chorizo...lomo....matambre... chiclet... heh heh heh :-)

Oh yes, its tastelss humour, but my god so are the window displays here.

4:41 am  
Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

I was joking B - does anyone write "wimmin" anymore? I love those old staples - wymmyn, wombin, womyn... the varieties are endless! Is a chiclet a meat? I thought it was a young gay boy in hot pants dancing on a pole. Well - I guess that is meat....

2:51 pm  
Blogger J said...

You funny gels! All I can think of is 'woh man..' from that movie. As for the trivia on pads crap, seriously, as if you want to read about how many mouths a star fish has or how long a bees tongue is while you are struggling not to let your pad glue itself into hilarious origami or have wings stick to your hairy bikini line. AND if they feel the need to put 'interesting facts' couldn't they at least make them *educashonal*?? Like - quotes from Shakespeare, book reviews, recycling tips, seasonal planting guide for seeds, or cool facts about rockin chiclets from history? Do you think my g'ma will sew me radpads for Christmas? She is very crafty...

10:19 pm  
Blogger BSharp said...

I reckon she totally would ! After that penguin jumper effort. You´d get a striped set.

er, I kind of made up the chiclet, but there is a word that sounds like it though for a cut of beef. Along with about 50 other bizarre local terms.. Very similar to the boys at the mars bar too!

2:34 am  

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