Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Career rescue and thinking of *getting a real job*

Well groovers, you will be thrilled, nay, hysterically relieved to hear that I cleared up my previous foot in mouth episode with Ms Manager yesterday. Took the time to stress that contrary to the impression I may have made in our last meeting I think [our industry] is a very valuable, some might even say invaluable sector, and that reallly, the scope for innovation and leadership is simply breathtaking. Breathtaking! In fact, I pointed out, the only eensy wheensy concern that I have about my longevity in said field is you know, the scope to really do creative and interesting stuff and at the same time connect with theory, bounce of like minds and contribute to the body of theory in the field- which has been a little absent in a few previous roles. And on that point, I told her, if I stay for another contract I'd like to do a little bit more to keep my skill levels up - y'know, professional development and all that. She seemed v. supportive and started talking about paying for me to go to workshops - when I pointed out that I actually meant getting more interesting things to work on, and using the skills I have, she looked a little pale. Oh workplaces, bless them.

On that, I've been thinking we need to invent some office gods/desses to attribute the vageries of office life to. We could thank the Goddess Traytoo who looks after photocopiers and printers and gets stormy and tempestuous when people disrespect the yellow toner cartridge. We could rail at the God Perch-arsing who oversees effective stationary ordering and the refilling of tea and coffee in staff kitchens. We could humbly thank Staple - the Goddess of little things that hold everything together.


Blogger Girl Genius said...

CtrlAltDel, the goddess that intervenes when all else fails

Dotvelcro, a minor god ofetn forgotten and neglected, but with a knack of being incredibly useful when you least expect it

Coolkarma - a malevolent goddes who presides over thermostat tension in airconditioned offices where one half dress for the weather and the other (male) half do not. Demands blood sacrifices, or else offices will be plagued by outbreaks of sighing, arm rubbing, goosebumps, sweat patches, deodorant spraying, and general crankiness

11:06 am  
Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

I think this requires a trip to Chinatown to purchase some suitable glow-in-the-dark faux marble deities to build the office altar with. I can see it now! Everyone can write their office prayers on post it notes and put international roast in the offerings bowl.

7:21 pm  
Blogger J said...

I love the altar idea. Somewhere to go an pray for mercy when you've accidentally sent that email to the person you were writing about not to. Somewhere to cry tears of remorse when you miss your deadline because you were aimlessly googling people you went to school with. Somewhere to give thanks when you find an ironed shirt the day you have a meeting. I love it. NB and any excuse for a glow in the dark deity!

1:10 pm  
Blogger meririsa said...

Black'ole - the deity for things that go conveniently (or inconveniently, depending on your perspective) go missing.. Something struck from the database or shredded, never to be seen again, when you were sure it was there yesterday and guaranteed to cause someone some hassles? You can bet Black'ole had something to do with it!

Altar = also somewhere with cushions for a quiet nap? If so, all for it. Also, relieved someone else wastes time googling people they went to school with.

3:27 pm  

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