Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Monday, December 05, 2005

roosters, bannana chips and dapper moustaches

My friend had a giant white cock painted on her car windows. And no, not as in a celebratory "I am born in the year of the rooster" mural piece either. She was quite tacken aback, especially as every car load of 20-something boys sniggered at her as she drove around town today. Then she had the indignity ofhaving to tell police officers about it as in 'so, was it a tag?' 'um, no, not exactly..' '...?''well, it was a giant peepee' (not what she said,but I think that would have been funnier). her elderly neighbour told her over a cuppa that she'd seen some grafitti on the car, my friend said ' did you know what it was?', the lady said 'no' and on being told said 'oh I haven't seen one of those in years!'. My friend laughed and explained that it was a cartoon, not anatomically correct, andproceeded to draw a picture of it to show her. the neighbour giggled and said she couldn't wait to telll her soon about it.

On a completely different note, went muesli shopping this arvo (yes you guessed it, no biting social commentary in this post..) and I have to share with you all the fact that I have always thought and continue to think that there is no rightful place in muesli for bananna chips. Yuck. And this is from someone with a notoriously open mind (stomach?) about food. I ate meat from street stalls and uncooked salad greens in mexico (yeah ok and lived to regret it), tried durian and went back for more, have no problemo with eating raw anything,spicy anything, weird textured anything but ef me if I don't think bannana chips are a vile counterpoint of an otherwise quite pleasant breakfast experience!! I stood at the supermarket aisle (I know, why wasn't i at the co-op making it up from scratch - just too lazy today - did go there for veg) holding a bag of museli with furrowed brow and pondering why anyone first thoughtto add them. The texture just doesn't go, the weird chalkiness that comes after the crunch is just wrong, andthey don't even taste like banannas, in my humble opinion. I went for apricot and pecan instead.

Finally, high jinx in the mountains today aint it?, I was sniffing some incense, big bundles of long black incense (you know where this is going, don't you?), realised just in time that it was coming off on my fingers, laughed, rubbed a fingerunder my nose just case it had come of there too. Phew, I thought, smiling, lucky I realised and wiped that off. So then I went into a second hand shop (hmm, I can see that I am accidentally revealing the high paced day I had today!) and chatted to the guy behind the counter at length about vintage buttons (you had to be there..), bought my buttons and then sauntered home, whistling, saying howdyto the various toursists and dapper older ladies taking an afternoon stroll. Got home, realised that I had a very nice black snubbed cartoon style bear nose and a bit of a dappper mo (well, that is to say I have a bit of a dapper mo anyway, but the black smearreally highlighted nicely the existing foliage). Noice, different, unusual.


Blogger meririsa said...

I laughed so hard at your incense moustache! And the graffiti anecdote.
I know someone who ambled home from bondi shops the long way home only to find her skirt firmly wedged up her knickers revealing said knickers and lots of leg when she got home, and no one had stopped to tell her!
Agree totally with your assessment of banana chips. They suck.

6:00 pm  

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