If my life in the highlands was a book...
c'mon kids you know this game
It would possibly be set in mournful russia, think crime and punishment (but less of both of those things), not because I'm feeling grim but just because then I could write a lot about cold fingers and being a student, and jumpers with holes in them and drinking strong tea. Nicely self indulgant. Of course I'd have to shag some landlady's daughter and have heated political arguments with some uptight cravat wearing aristocrat. But neither of those things sound altogether bad.
Or maybe my life could be written / lived as a jeanette winterson novella. Which would mean more dress ups and gondolas and giants and ocean journeys. Could a gondola be woven in to a mountain story? It would be suitably dreamy and disjoint, artfully fragmented, artfully whole. I would be let off the hook with having a plot or ending, it could spiral and loop.