The other Leonard Cohen, not the 70's funk singer

Someone far cooler than me that I am in contact with for work had this as their email sign off:
Ring the bells that still can ring/Forget your perfect offering/There is a crack in everything/That's how the light gets in Leonard Cohen
I like these lines very much, they remind me of life drawing sessions last year with brewed coffee and almond cake in the guys shed and curvey women with attitude and glitter scarves or hoop earrings arranging themselves on stools, and leonard, always leonard crooning in the background. Of course they are also very apt for a perfectionist slacker in the midst of of existential life crisis, getting herself in the occasional tizz trying to find that exactly 'right' thing to spend her days doing....
Nb the title of this post refers to a conversation I had with a gentleman friend last year. He deadpanned me and asked 'Leonard Cohen, wasn't he a 70's funk singer?' - the idea of this giant afro and white vest and arm pointing gyrating leonard made me laugh myself stupid, and then become aghast as I realised that maybe he wasn't joking, and then worse, maybe there was a disco diva leonard that I (in my breadth not depth approach to music appreciation) just didn't know about. The conversation went on for an extended period, and to this day I don't know whether he was being ironic or serious. Which pretty much summed up the whole brief interlude - but that's another story!
A life drawing pic from last year to complete the conjuring of time and place for me.
Am loving the use of "gentleman friend". How about reinstating "gentlemen callers" into the lexicon.
And no, there was definitively no funk leonard! A couple of his albums in the 80s heavily featured synths though.
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