Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Dream a little dream

After 3 weeks ouit of the office (straight from hotel room typing extravaganza to annual leave last week, and out of the office this week) I dreamt about work last week. It went like this:
In the blue mountains, a work function, a bit like a day at the beach, but there isn't really a beach in the mountains. I got a lift up with someone from work, and once I got there there were all these little factions, groups of people (from work, plus their partners), all kind of connected, alll socialising, all in little rooms or different areas, all these dynamics going on, and I feel kind of not connected to it. Not really 'left out' or lonely, just not really like I belong there, like I am going through the motions. I drift from room to room, but I'm not reallly into it. I feel a bit lost and think about having to wait to get a lift back down the mountains, having to hang out there. And then I think 'no I don't'! I can just leave. I can just go to Kmart and buy a mystery novel, I can go visit my good friends in the mountains, have dinner, stay the night, catch a train back down the hill when I'm ready. It felt like such a relief - like I was remembering that I could do exactly what I wanted*, do things that make me happy, not just go through the motions.

*yes, bizarrely, this is my idea of wild indulgence (Note that in RL I go to small independantly owned bookshops, but do confess I have bought books at large shops like this, when in the mountains, very few new book stores you see...)