On the up side
Sitting in your knickers and hotel slippers typing emails to work. Aaah, can’t go to work in your slippers normally can you? (Ed. strictly speaking you can do that working from home - not sure if this counts as an actual benefit of being away*)
Never finding that you forgot to go shopping and have completely nothing at all whatsoever to eat for breakfast except for dry pasta or root vegetables (a strangely common phenomonen as I look in my pantry at home hoping to find muesli)
Having the world’s perfect excuse for not doing anything on your ‘life: to do’ list (in Vietnam, couldn’t possibly sort out my uni stuff from here, honest – time zones darling)
You can call someone else to change a lightbulb (not something I normally aspire to in life, but hey, I’m looking on the – no pun intended) (actually, this one is possibly not a nett positive, as I also had to watch with extreme consternation as he fussed about with his head in the fuse box in my cupboard – who would have known?- and made the lights flick on and off several times and making me worry that he would electrocute himself in front of my very eyes *)
The bed is actually very firm and supporting, I sleep like a log, a nice happy log that has fallen in a forest full of attentively listening trees and is being slowly grown over by very soft trilling moss and nestled in by a few mushrooms, not a logged before it’s time and bleeding sap and about to be pulped to create tabloid press or sticky notes so that people in offices can write ‘can you come and see me – Kevin’ or ‘out of sticky notes’ kind of log
*erm - that device of pretending to have an editor doesn't actualy work so well in a text which is routinely very clearly not edited does it? Hmm. (Ed. You're probably right, and by the way, actually has two 'l's)
** anyone know the difference between eyes and very eyes?
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