Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Oh also

I've added a few buddies to the sidebar. Welcome to the Sea Green lounge! Pull up a seat, no not there, that's where Bettty Sue and Meri Risa are perched sipping their rambutantinis.. ooh, no, be careful, next to that couch are BSharp's boxes that she's packing to go overseas, and her to do list which is scrolling down around her ankles and streaming back out the door. Ooh, and be careful of the baby, that's Mermaidgrrl and Little Mister's Seth doing his first caberet performance, accompanied by some spoken word by Tim, an advance reading I think from his new book. Aaah, that's better, just there, on that worn and comfortable green pleather couch (yes Eco chick, vegan, and second hand, and by the way, nice dress, did you make that?), and Tom, you may prefer this easel to stand at, all artist like, where you get a good vantage point and can do some sketches of the guests. I think Miss V is runnning a permaculture workshop over there in the chill out zone (well we like to call it a microclimate) sometime soon, but in the meantime why not just nestle in to your lovely spots and enjoy the atmos. And let's see about getting you a drink, shall we?