warning: you are about to start running on reserve battery power
My computer tells me this about itself sometimes, but it could as easily be talking about me.
Working across timezones is exhausting - not just the taxing mental effort of adding and subtracting hours (oooh, let me count those on my fingers) whenever you talk to someone about what time you'll send them something and have to calculate 'their time', or when they tell you what time they have to leave the office to go pick up kids from sport and you need to make that back into 'our time'... but also just being awake at random bits of the day to start working. I find I need to get online by about 7.30am at the latest (10.30 'their time') to coordinate the days work and plan who will do what when. Then I have to race out and grab brekky so I don't go all loopy by 11 ('my time') and before that remember to get dressed so I don't get arrested ('my time'). Then I try to do a chunk of work before 12 ('our time') to get to them by 3 ('their time') so they can do some work before they then go home at whatever time, leaving me with the rest to do in whatever time is left. I run out of batteries somewhere around 12.30 and 3.30 ('my time') and need a short intense nap to recharge (preferably while they are working on something that doesn't need me) ('nap time'). Then I read what they've done in the arvo (evening 'their time') and if possible add to it in the evening ('my time'). Somehow despite the long hours this all feels like there is 'less time' and that everytime I get a handle on something the egg timer is given a good random shake by the powers that be leaving me with 'who knows how much time' left on things, which in any case is not the only important decider in what gets done, because it is multiplied by 'battery power' to figure out what I can actually do, regardless of time ('time schmine'). Ooooh. the wrist watch equivilent of a house of funny mirrors, this. Very spooky.
you do make me laugh miz J, and thankfully, my time, it's nearly hometime though I don't know where all the time went today, possibly into a timewarp?
[belted out karaoke style]
"If you fall I will catch you, I WILL BE WAAAAAAATTIINNNNGGGGG.... time after time.... time after time..."
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