Life in the fast lane
(surely make you lose your mind)
Well not really, but that's how the song goes, as I was reminded as it thundered through the bar stereo and I sat eating very salty peanuts waiting for my colleague to go deposit the hard copy report he'd just been given in a meeting into his upstairs room, so we could go elsewhere for dinner. Jeepers, even the Phillapeno karaoke trio would be better than this audio delight.
(life in the fast laaane)
Is a bit what it felt like as I sat on the back of a bike this afternoon whizzing through oncoming traffic, literally oncoming traffic as the guy riding the motorbike had a decidedly lase fair approach to *lanes* and *road rules* and many many times would swim upstream through a sea of bikes coming our way, to get to a short cut. That's me closing my eyes, squinted shut. That's me with eyes open and taking photos as we whizz by sea of bikes and dramatic overhead powerlines and cheesy advertising on billboards. I took a very fetching photo of a giant billboard close up photo of a beige man-shoe, I guess you'd call it a cousin of the hushpuppy loafer. Very photogenic.
(Glowing and burning blinded by thirst
They didnt see the stop sign
Took a turn for the worse)
Not true. Found dinner just fine. Didn't even fall down a drain.
(Life in the fast lane
Everything all the time
Life in the fast lane)
Well I think *everything* is an exaggeration. Sure we had quite a few beers and then admitted that neither of us were going to make it far from the very tiny plastic stools that we had melted into, so proceeded to use our best interpretive mime to order food (hey, you try miming a plate of chips, no mean feat), and then giggled ourselves silly at ridiculous stories, and did accents off the billl to ascertain which characters speak like who in the office (our actual office, not The Office) and I felt compelled to wax lyrical about strip joints, and post-colonial gender politics, and then we made toilet jokes and laughed some more. And then a random staff member came and leaned over our very small plastic table to squeeze lime over our stir fried greens, appropos of nothing, and we laughed more because we thought he was leaning in to tell us something or to steal our dinner away, but actuallly the lime was great and made it extra tasty.
Nice to have a silly fun night out.
Nice to know I'm leaving tomorrow.
Terribly pleased to be going home, woo hoo.
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