Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Oh and speaking of pirates

How good is this up and coming pary theme - pirates, punk, prostitutes and piercings. I like it. I'm seeing lots of black and white stripes, lacy bits, low bodices, buckle-y boots and drinking out of the bottle. Gotta love a dress up partay. Does anyone have any specific costumiery advice? Just let me know.

Also, one last thing about last night's movie. Have you seen it? If so, how rocking was the sultry magic woman up the tree house? Not only sexy as all get out (gotta love slippery silver teeth), but I'm loving the real estate choice. I want to live up a ladder, with a mistry swamp full of people looking mystic and holding candles. As Betty Sue suggested as we debriefed after the movie (not literally, I wasn't giving my pirate knickers away to anyone!), you could call in advance: 'hello, yeah, it's me. Listen, I'll be home in about an hour - could you light the candles for me and get into formation in the swamp? Yeah, cheers.'

I want to swagger about in a big black layered bosomy frock and throw crabs claws to divine the future. Not a lot of jobs going though for magic women these days, and I would be ever so slightly scared of alligators nibbling at my toes on the way to the front door, so maybe it's not such a hot idea.


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