Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Oops, sorry, I realise that the recent post about electronics aisles and then one about text messages may have reasonably led to the impression that I had just bought myself a brand spanking new moby fern. But no. Actually not at all. Instead I was at said chain store looking for homephones that hang up properly and that do hands free. I posted about the text messages completely randomly just because I had writtten it ages ago and came across it and thought it was funny. Maybe funnier to me now that I don't have a phone. And trust me, your messages would always be jewels my dears. I think at the time I was reflecting more on that ego boosting role that phones can play, especially in that tentative part of an early relationship when evidence is so scanty. Realise now also that this seems like it is related to previous date posts - which, wholeheartedly, no! I am not collecting jewels from. Oh golly. It was a silly and misleading post all round. Sorry. Blame the gastro flu thing. May wax lyrical on my current choice to go sans mobile later.


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