Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

happy winter solstice my lovelies

Thanks grrls for your words of support. Very tickled to have a lovely postcard of a longstanding crushee of the seasoned actor variety awaiting me as I arrived home on this, the longest night of the year. Thankyou Betty Sue you gorgeous creature. Now that is a very real and important occasion that hallmark has not yet helped us commemorate - the crap date! Currently feeling more significant and topical to me than many other conventional celebrated holidys and milestones I must say.

Now talking of all things wintery - just a quick reminder to those who fancy a day trip or long weekend that the Winter Magic Festival is on in the Blue Mountains of Sydney this weekend. Saturday is the parade, stalls and bands. Artworks in shops and cafes along the main street feature the community art project that I was (briefly and then somewhat peripherally but whose counting) involved with. It's come up a treat and is a real thrill to have helped create it.

Terribly terribly tired tonight. Clearly was a bad idea to join my workmates for 'one quick beer' at the adjacent pub, as a quick break in a planned extended night at my desk report writing. I pretended that it was good ergonomics to go for the walk and have a stretch, oh and of course contributes to step count! Ha ha. yeah right. I just wanted a beer and a chat and a laugh and to not be sitting at my desk. So actually, really, I'm glad I went. We thought up lots of cool social events to suggest for work (ok ok so it sounds like I need a life here, but really I like my workmates and we want to do some fun stuff together). Hmm yes, but report now late and still unwritten. Thinking I like the icing and not the actual cake of work life..? For example, spent many useful and fun minutes doing worm farm maintenence and training someone else on the mysterious ways of the worm this arvo. Did not finish report. Went out for lunch, ever so quickly. Did not finish report. Finished my brochure. Did not.. yeah you get the pic.

Do you think I can call the shoemaker and borrow the 'get it all done in the middle of the night' elves? I wouldn't mind some nimble little elfy fingers typing away and sewing together good arguments while I slumber. Hmm.. I warned you I was tired..!

I am still enjoying my new boots that the lovely snap dragon helped me pick when she was visiting on her holiday back to Oz from NY a few weekends ago. Hoping she and hubby settle here so we can hang out and eat cake and see funky performance stuff (that I would otherwise be too lazy or not cool enough to think of seeing) more often.


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