Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Well my dears I am back from my tropical adventures and hastily typed posts. I got back and opened the door to the flat rather tentatively but all was well, tidier than I remembered, no vines creeping in through cracks in walls in that post-apocolyptic way that I half suspected may have happened while I was away, as in nature reclamining the space, as in things in the fridge evolving into intelligent lifeforms, as in general chaos and dissarray, but no, nothing so exciting or alarming. Quiet and a bit mustly, like the whole place was holding it's breath until I could come and reopen the windows, then woosh! breathing again.

Still not unpacked. Suitcase open like a smorgarsbord of dirty clothes and christmas presents that I graze from as I pass. Oh, metaphorically speaking - the fridge isn't so bare that I'd eat my own dirty clothes.

And backtracking just slightly - Ney Years! Did you all survive it / relish it / notice it? Has everyone recovered from that slightly sticky slightly overtired feeling that can come at Christmas/ Ney Year / assorted years end celebrations? I ate quite a bit of sugary crap and hence sported a few end of year facial blemishes, got a bit overexcited and overtired and teary once or twice, watched way too many bad family movies which I wish I could unwatch (Did I really watch The Pacfifier?? Chrismas withthe Kranks?? Just count those irretrivable hours!*). Other than that it was lovely (lovely!), with lives overlapping ever so briefly, and exchanges of ideas and heat and water and hospitality.

So, in the spirit of a New Year here are a couple of quotes one that I came across recently that seem fitting for new years and futures and what to do with them:

Fear not the strangeness you feel
The future enters you long before it happens
Just wait for the Birth
For the hour of clarity
- Rainer Maria Rilke

Dancers are fools: watchers are fools! If we must be fools, why not be fools dancing!
(Japanese festival saying)

Hope it's a good one - may peace prevail.

* This may in part have contributed to my decision on on returning of having a tv free 2006. TV and vid safely tucked away in the cupboard of the spare room as of yesterday. Has opened up a corner of my mantle piece that was previously hard to decorate (yah), and opened up many a future night for reading all those squillions of books I want to read (yah) or if I'm feeling social I might spend some of those nights on the phone to people whose lives I actually care about (also yah). Also makes a fab excuse (like you need one?) to go see more films, buy a few games and procure more good music for nights in. Upside is now I am completely safe from accidentally ever watching any commercial news or current affairs program and feeling dirty for being part of the culture that birthed and consumes them.


Blogger meririsa said...

Nice to know you are back, and that your house has not turned into an urban jungle. Wouldn't that be eerie? Our place has managed to not turn into an urban jungle, but we have less of an excuse, as we didn't go away anywhere! Shelving the TV sounds like an excellent idea. I am not sure if I'll go so far, but I am muting out ads, and leaving my novel oh so casually near by the on-switch so I have an option to do something else!
Catch you soon!

3:11 pm  

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