Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Back Jack

Yep, back after holidays, to the working week.

I don't really have anything profound to say about it, the soft landing, the rejoining of the 9-5 fold, the getting reacquainted with my desk. Just that I'm here, it was OK, the sky didn't fall in, I went for coffee on the way in on my first day, then met a friend for lunch (and think I did some complaining - sorry) which took around 2 hours, and got seriously teased when I got back in for needing a 2 hr lunch break my first day back. Oh well.

Had a nice lunch on Sunday to mark the end of the holiday, with some of the Inner westie crew (thanks MeriRisa and co). Really enjoying friends and honest conversations at the moment. Makes things make more sense when they otherwise don't seem to make much sense at all!

I am still grappling with exactly what it is I like doing and do well well and want to more of (but I reckon most of us are? or some of us anyway), and meanwhile, how I a get myself to do all the teensy admin tasks that I find wet paint boring but are crucially important for the wheels of projects to keep turning. Aaaah. Not quite back into the swing of deadline fervor and to-do-list ticking into shape. Not through lack of things vying for attention, but just through lack of attention to give. I'm sure I will warm back up and get excited about it all again. Post Cairns I was feeling very sure that I wanted to do more grounded 'community stuff', like grass roots sustainable living and activism stuff, but this week meeting my housemate for wine and having a laugh seemed like my preferred community activity post work. Oh. I also had a surprise retreat mid-week with a group I'm involved with for work. Exhausting! Another night away, talking, planning and very early morning meetings. I think I'm just going along with things as they arise, perhaps I left my sense of urgency behind in an airport somewhere, or in a hotel bathroom, next to my travel toothbrush. Do you think I could call them and ask them to post-pack it back to me?

A good mate quit her job today, we had text message updates and chat along the way. Good on her! Taking the leap without something else waiting in the wings, trusting that she can ditch something she doesn't like and make something new happen.


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