Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Fun in a bun

I am in KL! I survived fake wood paneling and in-flight movies and self induced dehydration ('yeah righto givvus a red wine then, ah what the hell a coffee to wash it down') and then the crazy train that takes you to bag collection and then the 14 year old (looking) customs official whose mobile phone rang while checking my passport and he ran over to show the guy he worked with ('hello bum fluff fellow, terribly important moment of arrival here. Could you please pay attention to me??') and even the heat - not nearly as soup-like as last year - and my Uncle was there to meet me and everything was cool!

Yesterday was a blur of 10 hours in the office (er, um, Saturday??) followed by getting accustomed to family life. First meal was some approximation of 'hamburgers' in polysyrene containers (!! eek) from cafe below office - not my choice I swear (goodbye environmental values, you seem to have fallen out somewhere over Denpansar). For entertainment am soaking up news via the endlessly entertaining local rag, have had first swim in the apartment's (terribly bourgeois and slightly embarrassing yet nonetheless refreshing) pool, have made friends with the neighbours hallway pet bunny and birds, am playing with my 3yo cousin and watching Disney movies. etc. Off to a State meeting tomorrow on the coastal project, we leave at 5am so an earlynight is on the cards tonight.

So far so good. Life is soundtracked by kids music, airconditioned, full of lots of reading for me to catch up on and very very different to my comfortable well-worn cafe lifestyle of Sydneytown. But that's the point right?

NB Have not yet eaten a fun in a bun, my favourite salted fish snack bun from the deli in the apartment complex, but don't you worry, I intend to. I intend to...


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