Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Went to the airport today and saw a friend off in a flurry of photos and dual passport anxiety and repacking those bags according to the constantly changing hand luggage limits (c'mon Lauder get it together). After you left to go to customs your family were all crying, your aunty said you were very creative and they were telling me all about the jeans and the red top you did, so proud of you they were. But no surprises there - we all are!

Safe journey buddy.


FBI (94.5fm) what are you doing to me? You were so good until Tuesday night rolled around.

"I thought there's gotta be some hunnies over there so I took the plunge and came to oz ..I kinda started off raving in the jungle scene, then garaj days came around, I kinda took it from there I just used to jump up and do my thing, now it's got so dark you've got all this eskimo and grind and all this shit that sounds like computer games... I've got 100 percent love and respect for people who are coming out and doing it their own style... check it"

Yeah thanks boys.

Nonetheless, you are no doubt my new favourite radio station. Lets face it triplej in the mornings got shit after Simon stopped reading the news and 2ser (oops almost said 3D you Adelaide kids know what I mean) has good music but I can't handle the motor hour on Saturdays or the Irish stuff on Sundays and the bleak student radio delivery 'and that another um' oh god shoot me. Or is it just that I have a strange reluctance to hear politics done student-radio style? Heaven forbid I get substance when I want toons.*

Just kickin back to some yo yo action & avoiding packing.

"I am a big white ninja, spicy like ginger". Gold.

*Not sure if that was self parody or confession. Such a fine line at the best of times.



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