Another talk to a group of expectant faces - 16 people, putty in my hands. This is such a funny way to see people, all ages, keen, transformed into the little kids they once were, excited about rainwater tanks and planting days, itching to wander about the community garden and poke at plants and announce names triumphantly. The keen ones (is this like I was?? but now I am the teacher??) wander alongside me as I walk asking questions and really they are saying 'I like you, I trust you, lets share stuff' and I do and they smile and nod and suggest things and we together we are part of something. And this part of the job I like, this part I will miss.
Sea Green

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- This almond-eyed Steely gaze From a sleeve-rolled...
- We talk about market transformation and all I see ...
- Nothing to say today that hasn't already been said...
- Looks like the panel have decided - I am being vot...
- Relocate?? Just got a letter of offer and job des...
- Fractal Are you one of these people who are less ...
- How can two weeks feel like months? Last week was ...
- Back to Brissie tomorrow (oops, this) morning. Mum...
- (Just hold your breath and jump) I think I've dec...
- Interstitial The gap between the things that are...
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