Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Ok this is a naughty sneaky little bit of blogging when I should be running off to Kinkos to fax documents to Malaysia or talking to travel agents or saying goodbye to my goldfish or just quietly hyperventilating in the loungeroom.

I had my celtic animal cards read yesterday. Hey I didn't pay for it, this was a spontaneous parting gift from a friend - cards all laid out, gentle breeze of an afternoon in the park. Anyway, turns out I'm not a dragon at the moment (I was sure I'd be a dragon) - I'm a hind. A hind? As in an arse? No as in a female redbacked deer. All very mystical, all very female energy, ancient, fairies, inner wisdom, spanning this world and the next. Actually made some sense at the time. Reminded me that the whole point of this change for me is meant to be embracing fear and uncertainty and having trust that things will work out OK. Letting go rather than clutching.

Easy to forget and think that screeching, clawing, fire breathing brave is what will make things work rather than being the calm little deer wandering into the dark forest with just trust to keep it safe.

On a practical note, I found a good home for my bed today, goodbye little futon. Anyone need a fan, a desk, a clothes rack? Let me know!

Must go panic now. Note to self, organise own work permit next time, don't leave it to other people to sort out and. Ooops. Sorry - I mean trust trust trust. It'll all be ok!


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