Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Put your feet up love

Oooh had lots to tell you over the weekend but by this time am fairly worn out and quite ready to curl up in bed and finish my book (cheesy mystery - don't ask).

I painted my toenails scarlet tonight, after giving my feet a little bath in a small foot sized tub of hot water, in the loungeroom, and a little scrub, and a bit of a massage. Very hot water. So hot I had to have my feet rest on the edges of the tub and just flirt with getting in there, one little periodic toe dip, until the water was cool enough for a full foot plunge. The anticipation was great though, these weary footsies had a busy weekend, and today propelled me around a house, pitching in to help clean it for a friend of a friend moving. Think skirting boards and door knobs and light switches. Think bathroom.

Friday my feet took me off to see Kristen Hirsch of Throwing Muses fame, for a spoken word gig as part of the festival then home via Chinese New Year markets.

Saturday my poor feet endured outdoor picnics in the heat and later were squished into gorgeous but pinchy heels (I know, but I do it so rarely) and tottled up stairs and to and fro bars.

On Sunday my feet had a restful start to the day as I had a relaxed and lovely lunch with A and J and their new bub but got a work out when I walked up to the main road to find a bus, got distracted by great Vietnamese grocery, remembered I'd forgotten my camera, backtracked, retracked, caught bus and then meandered from bus stop home.

They'll sleep well tonight.

PS posted some old bits and pieces from a month last year - nestled them in with the other bits and pieces of that period - though the librarian in me (note there is actually no librarian in me) was a bit scandalised that I would backdate a posting, even if the material clearly came from then and was meant to go up then. Is it like totally wrong to mess with the blog time space continuum?


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