Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Friday, October 03, 2008

laughing at work

Because I read this. "Hysteria" - at frame 2 I started sniggering. I seem to have the sense of humour of a very smart but silly child. 'It's youmer Kim, youmer' as Kath might say.

Oh one other thing I thought was absolutely hilarious was last week. In a cafe. With Snapdragon, having coffee and talking ways of the world. Guy next to us starts talking about the horoscopes in the Daily Terror (joining in on our conversation - but a very very small cafe, so it felt kind of appropriate). Anyway, she gets a call and walks out of the shop to talk, and he says 'your friend has a lovely energy - very light, very hairy'. And does this hand gesture, like diaphanous, wafty hair coming off her. And I Look at him in slight shock, wanting to grin my face off, thinking ‘hairy energy!! She’s not hairy – I’m more hairy than her…’ and thinking about like a Hobbit, with hairy little feet, or a Womble, like some fuzzy kind of furry creature with hairy energy. And then, he says ‘you know, like she’s a dancer or something’. And I say ‘yeah she was a dancer’ and then I realize he’s said ‘airy’ not ‘hairy’, and he turns back, and I sit there with little tears coming out, trying not to laugh out loud, at my graceful hairy friend. And then I keep remembering it, and how stupid I was, and how strange I thought he was, all because of one letter missing. And even now writing that I start giggling.


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