Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Friday, July 04, 2008


In the spirit of co-creating random pop cultural ephemera, here is a list of the cultcha type things I have recently enjoyed or are about to. Labournig under the misapprehension that just ocz it’s written down it becomes interesting – here is a snapshot of my life through the lens of verbs.
- Reading ‘The Stone Gods’ by Jeanette Winterson. I love all her work in principle and in practice, so this is no exception. Though the rhythm and ideas are very familiar, I don’t like it less for that. I read her when I want those rhythms and ideas. Thinking it feels a little 1984 meets Orlando meets If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller. Also the Artist’s Way, and New Scientist, old Optic Nerves, and pretending to read a bunch of library books about work stuff, but actually reading a library book about a bunch of children’s book artists.
- Listening to an old Herd album and wondering when I can pop out and get their new one. (‘…when things get complex’?). Grinderman. And the rain falling on my washing (I thought it was my dinner boiling, but no, that would be the rain).
- Knitting a green square for a quilt for a refugee project (pink and green because I would want nurturing colours if I was unstuck from my life and set adrift – not more navy blue or brown).
- Dancing only in my bedroom to old hip swing songs and thinking about enrolling in dance classes

- Wearing red tartan. Old skool I know, but very zesty, resolute and warming. Zany earrings from the eighties and earlier.
- Singing in the shower and sometimes humming beyond the bathroom. Thinking of joining a choir.
- Stretching in my bedroom. Oops – I forgot to go to yoga, again. Spiritual bliss, scrawny strong upper arms and nice flexible hamstrings will all have to wait a little longer to be realised.
- Drawing in fits and starts. Conclusions.

- Drinking wine, lots of wintery red wine. Out with friends in cold country towns, and laughing at our own hilarious stories. In kitchens, and talking talking talking.
- Watching bleak but well made Romanian movies about illegal abortion that make me feel sad for all women everywhere fucked and fucked over by men in positions of power, and tonight on tellie maybe Australian reality television in the form of The Farmer Wants a Wife – I know it’s cheesier than fondue, but I love that show. No more Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares on the box it seems; mores the pity.
- Baking vegan banana and chocolate spice cake. My own ad libbing with flavours – could you tell? Great recipe, but does tend to stick to the pan, you have to watch that (paper lined next time methinks).
- Copying a knitting pattern of a lovely stripey short sleeve cotton top in case I take the plunge and progress from squares to garments. Procrastinating photocopying my second zine, and have been doing so for the last 4 months. Oops.

- Loving my little brother who I think is just about the funniest and cheekiest person in the world. Also my mum, who is heroic, practical and thoughtful, busy and kind.
- Writing random stuff about art and life. Quotes. To-do lists. Emails. Reports. Contracts. Day dreams.
- Noting that as I get older I want love to feel less like something new and more like something familiar. More like a composite, more like echoes of all the loves so far brought together and played out in a new tune – something that has all the favourite elements and some surprising, complex and beautiful improvisation. Maybe a jazz standard made new, maybe something new that masquerades as a jazz standard until a closer listen reveals its ironic playful tone.
- Wondering, generally.


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