Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

That'd be your cup of tea chakra playing up again mavis

Interesting week/end this last. Last week a combo of ever so busy and not much get up and go to tackle it, work-wise. Big tasks, big thinking, but me just tired and over it. I think it's post October burnout. Am thinking of taking some of that accumulated time in lieu to mean that I have less than a 5-day working week in November, good studio time, good prevent me from quitting in a lethargic outburst of ennui. I mean don't get me wrong. I love my job. But doesn't that just sound ever so much like one of those 'don't get me wrong, I love my wife' cliches. Or maybe 'some of my best friends are day jobs - really I have nothing against them.' Possibly more honest to say I love it but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and I need a little room for other things to keep the relationship dynamic.

Had hip pain last week, like just out of nowhere my pelvis and hips (even the leg joint in the hip) ached like crazy. I'm not generally accustomed to bouts of unidentified aches and pains so I thought it a little odd. It actually kicked in almost straight after a really disturing dream I had last Monday night which I took to be about the therapuetic journey, some of the trust and fear issues involved in that process. But as is often the way with dreams, can be interpreted in several ways, and leave me wondering about the choice of particular metaphor. ANYhoo, the hip pain. Pain in the arse that pain in the hip was.

So come Saturday, I nestled into a blanket on top of my bed in the thin sun that came through torrential downpours that afternoon, and read my 'Chakra Handbook' to see whether there was some useful symbolic interpretation I could draw on.

[As an aside: Sometimes I really am astounded that I slip effortlessly into almost every new age cliche, without even the decency to feel more than mildly embrassed about it. I am someone who says things like 'I don't take pain killers, on principal' and then can bore you silly with several strands of positioned opinion on the matter and then goes home to read a chakra handbook about the potential metaphoric position of hips and the emotional issues that might be making my legs ache. Really. And I cook with tofu. And don't brush my hair (often), and buy second hand, and have mung beans in the cupboard (tho they are almost vintage and I wouldn't ever probably be inspired to cook them). We buy Greenpower and compost and I read Jung and just recently at work have been in teams of people who say things like "well I don't agree with that, as a postmodernist" and they're not even taking the piss. I do sometime marvel at all these things and wonder if I read about a charaectr in a book who was just like me would I think it was such a cliche that it couldn't be true? Am I predictable?? Am I playing the part of a bookish eco-feminist with family *issues* a penchant for monster drawings and a yowly cay? Apparently i am].

So, acording to my chakra handbook, it's probably all to do with blockages to my free expression of creativity and sexual energy, which I possibly acquired betwen ages 7-13. So, if I begin to wear orange, don't think I've just had a further fashion melt down, but know that I'm ramping up my thingamawhatsy chakra energy and zinging away the blockage to get that energy flowing properly, shazzam, out of my crown chakra. Yes, wearing orange, and moonstone (really? together? I wouldn't have thought so...) and enjoying bodies of water and the full moon. I'll let you know whether it works on the hip ache.

Meanwhile, reading the book lead me to fall asleep for one of the longest naps in history, and when I woke up I felt decidedly better, so that's got be a good thing.


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