Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

yes it is regrettable isn't it?

that I will not be coming in to work on time today. Instead I will continue to sit here in the sun and watch people walk small dogs through my neighbourhood whilst I wrap myself around a milky coffee. The other series of events which have led to this particular regrettable circumstance began as early as yesterday. Yes, attending the workshop to watch an interesting deliberative democracy technique in action while discussing with fellow citizens pressing issues such as 'what needs to happen to strengthen our political system to better represent the will of the people' was a noble pursuit on a tuesday evening, I think, but it was aptly rewarded with the free red wine that was generously poured by brass buttoned wait folk. Yes, my ever so discretely topped up glass may have been ever so discretely topped up unccountable times. The retiring to the pub afterwards seemed like such a good idea, and having conversations about the opposition leaders' alleged possible moral conservatism versus whether he is 'too shiny and plastic', and why the one person at the table who admitted to having voted for the current government felt strongly about GST at age 19 when he cast that vote and about referenda and about reconcilliation, also seemed like good ideas. As did the glass of red I drank after that nightcap. So that is a mitigating factor in all of this. Then this morning there was the walk to the 7 day supermarket to buy kitty litter for my little furry friend in his twighlight years who prefers a day on the sunlit bed than out in the garden getting cold as night rolls in and folk still aren't home from work. Then there was the cleaning of the litter tray, maximising rinse cycles while minimising water wasteage. then there was the quick hello phone call to my mum to make up for missing our virtual art class last night. Then staring dolefully at my new shirt which is suitably chipper to compensate for the mild hangover but was ever so slightly spattered with what must have been toothpaste (how does that happen?) and the half hearted rubbing off of toothpastey spots. So you see, it was almost inevitable that the morning would start slowly and ease into itself and that I would get to work not much shy of lunchtime. I think coming at all is a pretty generous gesture after two whole solid blocks of being there of a Monday and Tuesday, but I'm sot sure if everyone is as clear on that point as I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate, but seemingly unavoidable. I don't see what else you could have done. Circumstances obviously beyond your control.

FROM: Betty Sue
BEING FOR: behavioural validation services
AMOUNT: One glass good red and venue of choice
TERMS: strictly 14 days

10:44 am  
Blogger J said...

thankyou Betty Sue - can I fix up my account? Will email you with options :)

1:37 pm  

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