Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

tales from the cutter

Well, just for the record the new 'do' is part raunchy Italian mamma, part Wolfmother. Go figure. Think trim plus some kind of shaggy layering, think 'who even knows I can't see for all the fluffiness'. My new hairdresser beleives in curls, he said 'I'm not the kind of hairdresser who will try to fight curls' and went on to not only absolve me for not having had a hair cut anytime in 2006 (I spared him tales of my sewing scissor trims in my confessional) but he also said 'I bet your hair is like mine and is awful when you first wash it and best when it's kinda dirty?' to which I nodded furiously and made squeaking noises (who knows why, might have been all the fumes). What a treat to have a haidresser who didn't even once purse their lips and make a sour face at my split ends, ask me about anything even vaguely related to hobbies I have no interest in, or try to convince me that really I will be letting down the entire team of humanity if I don't invest in some wax or curl pumping lotion. Yipee! he did ask me if I was a uni student, so I figure I either look uncannily young and perky (nice try) or my complete lack of hair care and general earthy approach to grooming convinced him that I wasn't worth the hard sell.

Oh. One more thing to share - piece of our convo that made me laugh:
me: Yes you see I just can't have a high maintenence hair cut, it just doesn't work with my life style.
him: Mmmm, yeah. [pause]. What's your lifestyle?
me: oh, well... lazy.


Blogger mistermicool said...

is he available?

1:34 am  
Blogger J said...

Well now that is an interesting question, and one that did cross my mind. He said 'you look familiar to me - do I look familiar to you?' (to which I honestly answered that he did a bit) and went on to ask whether I was a singer or actor, or whether I lived in newtown. We agreed that seeing as I am neither (he used to act apparently), and given my crap record at haircuts it was unlikely to have been in a salon, so that instead it was most likely at a cafe somewhere or maybe a bokshop (good sign if he goes to bookshops, right?). (In fact what I actually thought was that maybe we just have similar genes, as there was something about his eyes that looked a bit like some of my relatives - but figured that would sound weird so didn't say it.)

Maybe I should have been chattier or flirted, of course I didn't. I assumed he was gay or that if he wasn't he wouldn't be interested anyway because I have dry frizzy hair. Also, he seemed a bit tender and maybe deflated - you know when you can sniff out that sadness, but sometimes can't go there? Maybe I'll have to go back for a trim and see what I think next time (depending on how well the cut pans out as it grows of course - I'm not dating a bad hairdresser).

7:32 pm  

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