Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New years res options abound (part 1)

Well, firstly there was the 'start the year with good underwear' resolution - and that one I have already ticked off thanks to the post-christmas consumer orgy that is the department store January sale (and also thanks to my very funky red good luck New Year knickers from Aunty B).

'Get to know my local area better' is also a good one, and here is a cute article from MrMicool on that very subject. Mind you I also love the comment from Tony, London which says:
Oh, stop it, you touchy-feely freak! I live in London precisely because people here are NOT overly intimate. I like the fact that I walk amongst strangers, I love the fact I am not subject to tedious drivel from people who happen to impinge upon my geography. If you want to know your neighbours, go live up North or something - stop assuming we all want to be like you.
Ah bless the grumpy inner city brittleness. My housemates brother stayed at our place for a few days over New Year, up from Melbourne with friends for a bit of revelry. He came back from a night out at a club appaled at the rudeness of shoving, pushy people, and baffled by the way that people would just stand and scowl at you rather than chat and actually participate. So I think a bit of cheery 'good morning' action is definitely in order to make sure the city retains its yin and yang, you know, so balance is maintained in the universe and the whole city doesn't just topple over due to too many people wearing slippery shoes and slidy blow dried hair and not smiling enough. (I am tired from a too early start today - does it show? Slightly delirious)

Another possible res option is more gardening. Recently went to visit Betty Sue's lovely secret hideaway garden. Well, in actual fact it is just their actual garden, regular kind, at the back of the house, but you see, in garden minding mode I entered via a tricky route involving alleys and stone stairs, so when I finally came upon said garden and swung open the gate in the back fence it was like discovering a sectret little mediterranean oasis. Tres lovely! I feel all inspired to plant herbs in pots. Oh, and the green beans I nibbled were exceptional - good work Betty Sue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for looking after the secret garden! If you or anyone else ever want more beans, come down and help yourself. I think we planted the fundamentalist catholic variety becuase their fecundity is way over the top.

12:16 pm  

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