Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Monday, January 08, 2007

In the pink

You may know that I am going through a ridiculous pink phase. I don't remember being particularly into pink as a wee lass. I think I just wore whatever got put in my wardrobe, mostly groovy op-shop numbers sourced by my resourceful and creative studying and supporting me single handedly single mum. I did have favourite outfits like most kids - which at various times inclued a puffy sleeved red velvet number with matching muff (seriously), gum boots, a jumper with a 3-d monkey on it that mum knitted for me, later fluoro socks and a ra ra skirt - etc. But none of it pink that I recall. Anyway, you'll be pleased to know that I'm not actually wearing much of it (a few coy little musk pink work tops and matching shoes that look nice with a black pant aside), but have been strewing my room with gashes of hot pink throws for the bed, and just yesterday bought some highly femme pink roses - the type with nice flat and open faces and a nice smell - for my bedroom.

And today, coincidentaly cooked 2 pink things, which I will share with you now.

Plum cake
Slice blood (satsuma) plums and line a long loaf tin (that you have already greased and lined the bottom of with a neatly cut strip of with greaseproof/baking paper) with them in tight little rows to cover the whole bottom of the tin. Make whatever vanilla cake mix works best for you (pound cake-ish, not sponge) and add the grated rind of one lemon, generous amounts of ground nutmeg and ground ginger (and ground almonds if you have them), pour into the tin and bake slowly. Wait until entirely cooled to turf out of the pan and do so gently onto a long plate that you've put on top of the tin before turning upside down. If (and this is an if) the turning out is disastrous, just serve the other way up, (put another plate on the top and tip upside down, remove first plate) with the fruit on the bottom as a surprise. Serve with thick (organic even better) yoghurt.

Pink soup
Sautee onion and garlic (spanish onion or ordinay brown) in vegetable oil, add roughly diced fresh beetrot, parsnips, carrots, potato (and other root veg such as sweet potato, red sweet potato, radish) - add boiling water to cover. When vegies soft mash with potato masher or stick a stick blender thingie in the saucepan and puree. Serve with sour cream, black pepper and chives or maybe toasted almonds and chopped herbs for a vegan soupie. (Can add salt but fun to try to taste things without too - if going salt free try mint / extra garlic/ chilli / cooking in half vegie stock instead of all water).


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