Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

work gaff #374

Note to self: ‘I like it with the light on I just forget to turn on the switch’ might be a funny thing for a workmate to say, but it is not not not ok to snort at your desk, when they say it in all earnestness to someone who walks past commenting on how dark it’s become in the office now that the day has reached evening and the natural light is fading. It is not a good look because you reveal yourself to be a) sporting a sense-of-humour-age of 7, and b) far too ready to think about that workmate in an inapropriately sexual way.

It is also not such a great look to go out to lunch half an hour before your only scheduled meeting for the day because you forgot about it and then rush back frazzled with crumbs stuck to your lippy. Possibly.

Nor is it fabulous to leave a meeting saying 'oh, ok so I've got no follow up actions?? Great!!' thus revealing yourself as both rather lazy and quite happpy to be not involved in the start of the project.

In my defense it was a new moon today, and terribly hot. Maybe some combo of new moon out with the old in with the new vibe, and the growing exitement of a tropical summer was at play.


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