Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

north of the border up hula hoop way

Well after a hectic week last week of jaunty work related travels (more on that later - will post post humously) embarked on some non work travel, up to lovely Byron Bay which although the main street is a little like Glenelg Beach of my home town, the surrounds are beautiful, and there are enough down to earth looking locals to ground the whole affair. Spent some lovely time with family of the extended and blended type. Little brother is fun, 2 1/2 now. Watching him fly his first kite alone was worth the trip. Right now am with Mermaidgrrl and Little Mister. A home away from home being here, welcomed with giant hugs, the house always airy and light, colourful, nice smelling, with candles and pets and stories and fun. Over the years have been coaxed out of my shell by mermaidgrrrl, encouraged, listened to, taken shopping with, had hair blow dried by, made up silly words with, shared books with, been nurtured and cared for. This visit I have had the pleasure of sharing in the early days of her pregnancy - a treat when friends are far away and you sometimes miss out on experiencing these milestones up close and personal. AND.. I have been reintroduced to the joys of hula hooping. So. Bloody. Good. Seriously, why did I ever stop? I remember my first hoop - chocolate scented brown with a racing stripe in white, a ball inside that whooshed around, and hooping around my middle, arms, neck, badly around one leg...I was 7? 9? 10?. Now, 30, I have been hooping in the sun room, eperimenting with different optimal music. Justin Timberlake was suggested to me as strangely good - and it's true - Justin has freaky powers of keeping the hoop going*. James Brown also strangely effective. Go figure. Am thinking that I ould get one (make one, I am being advised that home made is the only way to go for adult hoops - you just can't gewt them right at toy stores - too light, not thick enough tubing), stash it under the desk at work, pop out to the pocket park at lunch on sunny days and get in some good practice. Maybe with a little MP3 player streaming secret Justin. Woo hoo - bring on summer.

*Yes, lots of 'keeping it up'jokes are in order with hula hooping...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your back! so glad. Was getting worried not to see you there for some days after that last post.
Glad you are having a happy time in good and supportive company.

8:49 am  

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