Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Bad poetry? Oh noetry!

That is not my fabulous rhyme - no I've pilfered it from 'Toothpaste for Dinner', my new all time favourite webcomic (See sidebar for link). Maybe it speaks of my state of mind - single cell comic organisms are all I can handle at present. But it makes me laugh.

Speaking of laughing, I had one of those awful but can't stop it anyway moments at work this arvo where a colleague and I were retelling a television show to a 3rd person. She and I had watched it, found it hilarious and excruciating, and were cringing and giggling and crying with laughter through the retell (which took about 10 minutes - the whole show is only 30 minutes long..). Poor storytelling victim was remarkably patient but perhaps could have laughed a bit less at and a little more with us.. Anyway. Extras. Wednesday night. Quite funny.

Hey guess what I did tonight? The clothes shop. A mild version - 3 garments, one of them on sale (oh so that makes it all better). Nice pants. That actually fit well and I don't have to bunch up with a stupid belt thing - unlike the ones I am currently wearing which I do. So hey. I think it was the notion of possible interstate work trips to steering committees and the overbaggy clown pants which always seem to ride lower than either my knickers or the fishnet tights I'm wearing under the pants - such a very very bad look that one. Which of course I could have topped off with a bit of button popping crinkled white shirt action. No doubt with an innapropriately coloured bra underneath. Hmmm. What would Trinny and Suzanna say -I shudder to think*.

And not only did I survive the whole experience I cam out chipper and humming (mostly to hideous pop songs that have stolen bass tracks from old fave songs that I actually liked, but whatevs). I even almost bought a very fetching LBD, that had a low scoop squarish neck and nice structured feel with a cocktail thin belt up high and fitted pencil skirt. And ever so slight puffa cap sleeves. But figured that seeing as I can't even remember the last time I went out for cocktails, and my work clothes are crap, and I need new summer frocks that I would let go of yet another black dress. (And anyway I can always go back next week). Of course if someone asks me out for cocktails anytime soon I will almost certainly *have* to go back and get it :) Anyone??

So. Here is some bad poetry (oh noetry) to mark the occasion:

Oh work pant
Lovely stripes that I want more (of)
You are worth my rant,
I like you stacks,
And I can't
Figure out what I did before
You appeared
And the shop girl peered
In and remarked
At my nice dacks

* 'Your insistance on putting novelty over style and wearing poorly fitting clothes that you previously abandoned on your bedroom floor makes you look a little like a baglady stripper clown with ADHD. I like your bangles though.' might be ballpark...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, you need some boot-cut pants and 3/4 sleeves - that's what Trinny and Susanna recommend for everything. Even cures child poverty, apparently. Sometimes reminds me of Kath Day-Knight saying "what you need Kim is a noice clacky mule"

I nearly bought that dress too (I think it's a knock-off of the Roland Mouret Galaxy dress)

11:46 am  
Blogger J said...

You're so right! And reddish streaks in my hair and a russet lippie. Or a fitted leather jacket in dark brown (also one of their faves it seems). I have no idea who Rouland Mouret is, but it sounds like another great reason to go back and snaffle it up! (NB why did you end up not getting it? Did the sleeves gape slightly and the puffa bits float in space? that's what I was worried abour.)

6:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't get it cos my hips are a 12 and my bust is a 10, which makes buying dresses difficult if they aren't flared out in the skirt.

9:46 pm  
Blogger J said...

Oh Ms Sue - me too! Although more like a 12-14, 14-16 but same deal. Waisted dresses very cool, pencil dresses very unlikely to fit. I was recently told about the half size jean - eg. a 12 1/2 - where the waist is a size smaller (14) than the legs (14); very exciting, plan to hunt down a pair so I can avoid the annnoying waist gape - tight arse combo that plagues me.

7:51 pm  
Blogger J said...

derr - waist 12.

7:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooo, I like the sound of that.

Also, isn't bust a great word? Needs to be used more often.

2:20 pm  

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