very comic yes?
I love a bit of comic action. When I was a kid I had a comics collection that I kept in a funky little red case. Was gutted as an adolescent to realise that Richie Rich, Lottie, Donald Duck and Heckle and Jeckle comics really did not carry their cool credentials past the end of primary school. (But I loved them so much!). Have dabbled in reading graphic novels and modern funky adult comics, and do love the wry or dark humoured, outsider perspective, scifiish, slacker, art and politics influenced in the genre, but I am generally thwarted in my efforts for the following reasons:
a) I am a bad collector of anything - erratic, haphazard, easily distracted and generally scattergunned. Might go out to with the intention to buy a graphic novel and come back with a 1950's tea cup, a ball of funky alpacca wool, a vegetarian samosa and a bunch of flowers instead.
b) I have a low to medium level aversion towards dingy cramped comic shops and the encyclopeadic knowledge that those boys (it always seems to be boys) have. It is not a warm and inviting shoppping experience for the novice. The comic shop character from the Simpsons is clearly a stereotype, but nonetheless one which resonates!
c) I can't be bothered to learn the who's who of anything - which artist originallly did cover art for which new writer who worked with.. blah blah and once helped develop the screen play for blahblah and based the comic on the ideas in the earlier piece (yawn, sorry are you talking to me) and was released in limited edition hand printed form on August the 8th 1967 as an underground blahdeblhdeblah and later in full colour in december of 1972 in Los Angeles (oh are we still talking about that? Sorry I thought you were done).
For these reasons I will never really be up to date with the world of graphic novels or comics but all of that aside (a very long winded indemnity clause really that one!) here are some web comics I have enjoyed recently:
Cat and Girl
I am I love with this comic and use it to amuse myself at boring moments at work
Her![Pig vs Girl]
Not bad. Brief and wry.
Pirate and Alien
I like the visual stye of this one, and let's face it, what's not funny about a pirate and an alien (together at last)? This one is funny for all us who succumb to blogging.
Married to the sea
Some truly wacky, juvenile historical absurdist jokes with computer game and God references. Strangeley compellling. I especially like this one and this one.

and finally, for today, this one:
Toothpaste for dinner
Which is nice and loosely formed, breezy, and has some funny work place references which make me laugh. See picture above for example.Check out this one all you job hunters, this one, this one, and very silly, this one.
My new favourite is:
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But this one is my all time favourite:
Yeah, I have way too much free time on my hands...
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