Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Confessions of a blogger

Ok so I thought of an analogy and just had to share it. Sometimes when I hop on my computer to do some sensible work type typing, I just can’t do it until I write a little something here instead. I just realised that the feeling is very similar to when you have a lover and you just want another half an hour in bed with them before you hop up and face the world. That indulgent time, that time of exploration or of expressing yourself most honestly, before you have to bundle feelings away and make yourself tidy for the world, make yourself more rational and hardy and brash and uniformed. That’s what it feels like, as if I can do that stuff, but just give me a little half an hour first to feel all warm and cozy under the comfy quilt, where words can be whispered or said in half sleep, where sentences can drift away on the breeze and be whimsical, unfounded and full of feeling. When you be partly formed, tender, generous and imperfect and feel safe and loved.


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