Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Down town home town

Yo yo y'all. Sitting in the world's murkiest internet cafe wondering if I can go blind from half an hour typing in the dinge. Possibly the only one here with my mix of chromosomes. Possibly the only one not online gaming. But wiggling r n b blaring. Bless.

So here I be, back in my home town, came in yesterday via the gleaming, white, glass, open plan new airport. So big and spacious it feels like something off Startrek. So white and naturally lit it gleams like ice and makes me think I will see a cosmopolitan polar bear lounging and sipping a latte.

Had dinner with relatives who I used to live with once upon a time, and Guitar Boy and Ivy. Families! I have so far been updated on family gossip from at least 3 angles, yet to hear the older rellos angle, but likely will when I visit them tomorrow. It's funny because I don't ask, butthey all offer updates on events and their take on who is behaving ok and who not and why. I feel like a mediator / arbitrator / school counsellor ('Jimmy said that he only liked Margie and didn't like the way I spoke to Robbie..'). Not sure whether I've always lacked an opinion on these matters, whether I'm just too lazy and wishy washy to form my own opinions and hence just agree with whoever's talking at the time or whether I am just blessed with a type of gently disinterest borne out by distance.

It does feel nice to see people who you've known for a long time, and who you've shared history with. LIttle tackers grown up, and you grown up with people who knew you when you were a litle tacker.


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